Thursday, January 21, 2010

a bite of joy

after watching the movie "Julie & Julia" i was inspired, i'm sure along with many many my friend megan and i are embarking on a new adventure..."a bite of joy".

we spent hours perusing through cookbooks and finally settled on The Joy of Cooking, we celebrated our find by heading immediately to brunch :)  so this sunday, january 24th marks our first dinner with recipes entirely from the cookbook.  the theme will be "asian joy" and we will be featuring: chieck & beef satay with peanut sauce, cocunut shrimp, chicken soba noodles, and mongolian beef.  dessert is TBD and believe you me, this will be one tasty night our dinner guests will hardly forget.

this new adventure is important to me, cooking was a past-time passion of mine, it allows me to take a few hours and focus entirely on seeing something from beginning to completion.  i love the taste, smell, feel and touch of food...and seeing what it can do to a mood of a person...this is why we have called this little adventure, a bite of joy...